
Overhead power lines

The Critical Importance of Mapping and Communicating Power Lines on Farms

Ensuring the safety of your farm involves more than just daily operations; it requires vigilance in mapping and communicating the locations of underground and overhead power lines.

Electrical Inspection

Don't Risk Your Farm - Get An Electrical Inspection

Protect your farm from electrical fire disasters and explore the dangers of faulty wiring, the importance of regular inspections, and how to safeguard your operation.

Combatting Farm Equipment and Machinery Theft: Protect your livelihood with Agricultural Vehicle Insurance

With Farm and General, taking the first step towards securing your farm equipment is simple. Our friendly team is here to help you.

Livestock Insurance

Understanding and Mitigating Livestock Losses: A Guide for Farmers

Livestock insurance is a key product for private farm owners and commercial livestock operators, Farm and General provides tailored insurance cover to protect assets from risk.

Spring Time Safety

Safeguarding Your Farm in Spring: Understanding Public Liability Insurance

Secure your farm during lambing season with our comprehensive public liability insurance. Prioritise your smallholding insurance for a successful spring ahead!

Farm Flooding Risk

From Risk to Resilience: Climate Change in the UK and Commercial Farm Insurance

Farm and General discuss the legal and financial risks to farmers whose land is affected by a flooding event.

Fireproofing Your Farm

Fireproofing Your Farm: The Importance of Professional Chimney Sweeping

Ensure that your farm, smallholding, and assets are efficiently protected from fire damage claims.

Shooting insurance UK

Navigating Shooting Season: A Comprehensive Guide to Insurance for Syndicates

As the shooting season approaches, ensure you have the appropriate insurance coverage, whether you're participating as an individual or part of a syndicate.

Farm Fire Insurance

A Blazing Barn: How Farm and General Stand Apart When It Matters Most

At Farm and General, we understand the unique farm insurance requirements of farmers and take our service a step further to help in times of need.

Ploughing Match Insurance

Insurance for Farm Vehicles at Ploughing Matches and Farming Events

Discover the top considerations when carrying people around shoots and farming events and how F&G uniquely offers ploughing match insurance.

Farm building insurance

Navigating Farm Building Insurance: Key Details to Know

A vital safety net for protecting your farm and its assets is insurance, but what do you need to be aware of to ensure comprehensive coverage?

Land Rover Farm insruance

Protect Your Land Rover

Farm and General cover the staggering rise in Land Rover thefts and highlight the need for adequate farm insurance and security measures to protect your assets.

Shoot day

Ensuring Adequate Insurance Coverage for Shoot Trailers

Farm and General discuss the growing concern of overlooking whether your farm policy covers the use of shoot trailers.

Hiring vehicles to farms

Hiring Vehicles to Neighbouring Farms

Learn the key distinctions between contracting for agricultural work and charging someone to use your vehicle.

Farm building insurance

The Importance of Electrical Testing on Farms

Farm buildings are unlike other buildings and as such hold their own risks when it comes to electrical safety. Find out about the importance of protecting your assets against unavoidable incidents.

Farm building insurance

How to Keep Farm Building Insurance up to Date

Regularly reviewing your sums insured is imperative to ensure you’re suitably covered in the event of a claim.

Digging risk in farming

Digging Risks in Farming

Digging can pose a significant risk to farming, with the potential to damage underground utilities, equipment, and structures. Find out how to mitigate risks and safeguard your farm.

Farm Insurance

Do You Know Your Stack Limits?

Farm and General run through the correct procedures for haystacks and straw to ensure your cover doesn't fall short in the event of loss.