Smallholding FAQs

Why Do I Need Public Liability for My Farm?

Public Liability insurance is vital for farms due to potential injury or property damage to third parties. It safeguards landowners and occupiers from incidents like public injuries on their land or livestock causing accidents. This coverage includes legal expenses and compensation for affected parties.

Why Would I need Smallholder’s Cover?

For smallholdings and hobby farms, standard home insurance often excludes land coverage and liability related to business activities. Livestock is usually not covered, potentially leading to significant liability claims if they escape and cause damage.

Do I Have to Insure My Farm Buildings?

While insuring farm buildings isn't legally mandated, it's crucial for farm protection. Some lenders may insist on building insurance. Many farm structures have asbestos, necessitating costly specialist removal. Preserving listed buildings is vital, as their restoration using traditional methods and materials can involve substantial expenses.

Do I Need Employers Liability for My Farm?

Employers Liability is legally mandatory with employees, except for sole directorships or family-only employment. Even 'silent directors' of limited companies with multiple directors need it. Labor-only subcontractors are treated as employees for insurance. Contact us if unsure about your need for Employers Liability coverage.

What Does Environmental Liability Cover on a Farm?

Environmental Liability operates in the event of a pollution event and covers things such as clean-up costs and legal expenses. For farms this is particularly important due to the amount of potential pollution risks; diesel tanks, slurry pits and asbestos in buildings. Quite often farms will have streams, rivers and other bodies of water on the land increasing the potential for pollution events.

What Does Business Interruption Insurance Cover on my Farm?

Business Interruption insurance covers income loss due to insured property claims, such as a grain dryer fire. While the dryer insurance covers replacement, Business Interruption covers income loss from damaged grain and undried grain. Additional Costs of Working (ACOW) within Business Interruption may also help by finding alternative drying locations, potentially reducing loss and benefiting the policyholder's claims history.

Do I Need to Insure my Tractor?

Tractor insurance is legally mandated for public highway use, covering Road Traffic Act liability, even on farms with public access. It applies to situations like a tractor hitting a delivery vehicle on the farm, where motor liability is needed. Coverage options range from Third Party Only for liability to Comprehensive for accidental damage, fire, and theft.

What is Engineering Inspection for Tractors?

Certain items of machinery & plant are legally required to have inspections at regular intervals. The regulations most pertinent to farming are;

  • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER).
  • Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (PSSR).
  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER).

What is Products Liability and Why Does my Farm Require It?

Products Liability covers the costs you are liable for as a result of injury, illness or damage from your produce or goods that you sell. For example, a customer contracts food poisoning from meat sold at your farm shop that you have produced. You can be found legally liable regardless of whether you have manufactured the product or simply bought in as stock to sell on.

What Cover is Available for Livestock on my Farm?

There is a range of covers for livestock, from theft, to straying and from fatal injury in transit to loss of use (fertility) cover. Animals are generally covered as a herd or flock, with a maximum value per animal of £10,000. Animals over this value are specified separately.

What Cover is Available for Dairy units?

There are a few additional covers available for dairy units, from antibiotic contamination to uncollected milk.

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