Reduce the Risk of Fire Water Run-off

Excess water used to tackle a fire is known as fire water run-off. If the blaze itself isn’t bad enough, fire water run-off can also cause significant damage to the surrounding environment. This is because if the water has been exposed and stored close to hazardous materials or chemicals, large volumes of these harmful substances can make their way into local drainage networks, endangering wildlife in the process. Discover our tips for reducing the risk of harmful fire water run-off and how to protect your business from any financial losses incurred during an insurance incident.

Create a Fire Prevention Plan

To limit the negative impact of fire water run-off on the environment, businesses should have a fire prevention plan that complies with the CIRIA (736) containment systems for the prevention of pollution. Included in this should be an outline of the procedures the business has in place to collect, contain and store fire water in the event of an emergency, as well as details of how it will be safely disposed of. This is also required by the Environmental Agency as a condition of an environmental permit.

 Have a Safe Method of Containing Excess Water

 To prevent unwanted fire water from running into drainage systems, nearby rivers or groundwater, a business needs to determine the run-off source and the potential flow pathways. It is vital to identify the potential volume that can be safely stored on site through secondary and tertiary containment. For example, using temporarily blocked drains or use fixed of demountable containment areas.

The Importance of Environmental Liability Insurance

Pollution caused by fire water run-off can lead to an expensive clean-up operation, long term legal issues and a damaged reputation – not to mention the huge impact on the environment and wildlife. To ensure you’re adequately protected against such an incident, speak to Farm & General about our environmental impairment liability insurance. This policy offers cover for up to £2,000,000 worth of losses resulting from things such as land clean-up, containment, and reinstatement of natural habitats. Get an environmental liability insurance quote from us today!